Thursday, December 11, 2008

The Druid made me do it!

Inspired by a friend of mine who keeps a WoW blog about his Druid bear, I, Guntar Holyflame, a Galka hailing from the city of bastok, have decided it is time to keep a record of my thoughts and deeds within the "series of tubes." You can follow the link on the right to his blog, EightyPercentFur, and grin merrily as you read the contents of his brain transcribed to text.

I'll probably gloat and rant and etcetera a little here, so it should be good times. I like to think of myself as a gentleman in most respects, and also I am primarily and forever a Paladin tank, hence the title of my blog: Tanking in Tails.

Also, I'm a sucker for clever and/or bad puns.

I tend to not be very verbose unless I am sparked to write about something I am extremely interested in, so hopefully my meager set of readers will be able to jump in, read something concise, and navigate away in a jiffy. Look forward to more in the future!

Altana be with you.


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