Thursday, December 11, 2008

Up Until Now, and Moving Forward

History Lesson!

OneThousandNeedles is the name of my sky/sea/etc. linkshell of which I am a co-leader.

I originally joined the shell when it was called MisfitGods. My application process consisted of sending a /tell to a fellow named Coldfusion and asking if I could join and him subsequently saying, "Sure, let me give you a pearl."

Since that time, I've had a variety of experiences tanking things for the shell. After the merger with LuckySevens, we obtained the new linkshell name (of which I am quite fond).

Short of detailing everything I've been involved in, I have developed my skill and my gear to a capacity with which I have been so far mostly satisfied. Having leveled the other two jobs I was always interested in (Samurai and Red Mage) to 75, I feel that now I have a very well-rounded character capable of a variety of things. I never wanted to be that guy who was totally clueless about an aspect of FFXI to a point such that my own personal performance would suffer.

Perhaps that's why I've spent so much time researching Puppetmaster as of late! It really is a fascinating job, so don't be surprised if I end up leveling it to 75!

Fast-forward to now.

Quite recently, I put a post on the OneThousandNeedles forums detailing a plan I had put together to lead a small group of people in tasks that normally demand a much larger group to pull off safely. I don't know if I am completely satisfied with the name "1KN: Special Teams," but the football reference amuses me for some reason.

I have several personal motivations as to why I want to put such a group together. First, I want to learn small group tactics to take on high risk challenges because it exactly that: challenging. I am basically looking for a good fight. Second, I know that by throwing myself into this sort thing headfirst, I will invariably fail a lot and fail hard, but I will learn a lot and learn big. There is nothing more satisfying in FFXI than putting together a small group of elites and then taking on and bringing down a boss that two years ago people threw between eighteen and twenty-four people at for 2 hours before they brought him down.

Yeah that's right, we killed Kirin in 40 minutes with fourteen people. Additionally, I finally got my Kirin's Osode that fight!

My recent obsessive time investment would have to be Nyzul Isle Assault. I put together a static team to climb from floor 1 to floor 100 and subsequently farm until we all get the weapons, weaponskills, and armor we are after. We have completed the former and are moving on to the latter. And even yet we fail these floors, partly because the Great Will of SE deems it appropriate to give us "Kill all enemies" and "Kill specified enemies (Soulflayers/Chariots)" on every floor of our climb, but also because we haven't perfected our methods. I still, for example, yet make stupid mistakes such as engaging the first mob I see on a "Kill specified enemy" floor, without checking to see if he is, in fact, said "specified enemy." Oops.

-- I recently obtained Tachi: Rana and Atonement! --

Tachi: Rana is really only nice for punching out a fully mirrored Darkness skillchain on something with Tachi: Gekko. When soloing, I rarely use Gekko anyway, since I live and die by the Paralyze and Blindness effects on Kasha and Yukikaze, respectively.

Atonement is definitely an amazing weaponskill. Non-elemental magic damage based on your cumulative and volatile enmity is like cheating! I can't wait to try it against something big such as Ultima, or some Tier 2 Jailers. My Joyeuse should complement this new toy nicely. :D


I have every reason to be excited over this game. It's my escape from the real world, although I am rather pleased with my real world at this juncture. Additionally, I have done my damnedest to stay miles away from drama so I can enjoy content and work with other people towards common goals. So far so good. I despise drama in all its forms. But that's another story.

I'll have to miss the ZNM fun later this evening before Limbus. It appears I have some errands to run.

Altana be with you.


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